Team: Trail Blazers Digital Content
Role: Content & Innovation Intern
What I Did: Wrote various articles published on, created and posted content to social channels, edited and uploaded videos to Youtube and Trail Blazers website, interviewed players and coaches, generated and helped execute content ideas for media day and throughout the season.
Team Members:
Aaron Grossman - Director of Content
Amara Baptist - Senior Manager of Content
Fernando Gomez - Content Coordinator
Casey Holdahl - Digital Reporter
Bruce Ely - Photographer

Created game preview graphics for every game for use on Instagram and Twitter.

Curated, edited, and uploaded season highlight and top-5 videos to Youtube and

Interviewed players and coaches in post-game media availability and uploaded to Youtube.

Curated, edited, and uploaded season highlight and top-5 videos to Youtube and

Created and posted various graphics for use on social channels throughout the season.

Wrote game notes, power rankings, and articles throughout the season published on and

Generated captions and posted/interacted on Facebook and Snapchat on game days.